Which is worse? The FUNimation dub or GT?



Yosou: Hey! No fair! Two on one!

Yes, we know that, Yosou. So to balance things out we are adding Shasta Bug #165 to your team.

Shasta Bug #165

Shasta Bug: Kimiki!
Yosou: (bangs head on bench) THAT'S NOT BALANCING THINGS OUT!! I'm stuck with a smegging Shasta Bug!!

I know, but I'm out of characters... You could have Shasta Bug #223 on your team as well?

Yosou: Forget it...
Shasta Bug #165: Mikiki?
Risa: Hey! I wanna Shasta Bug as well! They're sooooooo kawwwaaaaiiiii!!!

And now our first contestant, LTAG will argue that FUNimation is worse than GT.

Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (stands on the desk in a dramatic pose) RIGHT! I LISA-THE-ANIME-GODDESS WILL Now... um… (checks notes)… explain exacty why FUNimation IS EVIL!
Risa: (gulps and hides under the desk)
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: To begin with, FUNimation is EVIL!
Risa: (psst) you already saidded that…
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: GT doesn’t even compare to what FUNimation has done to Dragonball! They changed the music! (sniffles) I know fellow anime fans who love to sing along to Hey Chala…
Risa: Like you do, LTAG!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (grr) …And now they have to sing (in monotone) "Dragon dragon, rock the dragon, dragonball Zee". Need I continue? The music alone is enough to win this case! And win the prize money!
Risa: Wha?

Yosou: (psst) Is there prize money?
Shasta Bug #165: Mikikki?
Risa: What’s a money?

Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (ahem) Then we have the (dramatic pose) VOICE ACTORS!! They can’t get in sync with the characters, and the battles sound like a bunch of gorrillas! (pssts to Risa) Issat how you spell gorrillas?
Risa: Nup! It’s got three L’s!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: …anyway… The voices don’t suit the characters AT ALL! All the bad guys sound the SAME! And they can’t voice act either.

Risa: (psst’s to Yosou) Didn’t she say they were voice actors?
Yosou: I think she means they can’t voice act well.
Shasta Bug # 165: Mikimi!

Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: THEN we have the DIALOGUE!
Risa: She’s hurting my ears!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: How FUNimation can even call the dub a ‘translation’ I don’t know! They’ve added in all those annoying little phrases and things to get around making the anime sound violent. AND cut out all the swearing beyond ‘darn it’. Well DARN THEM ALL TO HFIL!
Risa: Issis being FUNimationed?
Shasta Bug #165: Mikimikki…
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: And they cut out half the blood and death scenes and…
(Bell rings) One minute left.
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: …(grr) and …what was I saying?
Shasta Bug #165: (holds up sign with a skull and cross bones on it)
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: Why thank you… that’s RIGHT! THEY PRETEND THAT NO-ONE’S DIED!
Yosou: (to shasta bug) TRAITOR!
Shasta Bug #165: Mmikkiiki?
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: They said that Namekian kid ‘escaped’…! And that Namekian who got punched through the stomach? That was just stupid! Then there was…
(Bell rings) Thirty seconds left.
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (><) Then there’s the BGM and changing the names of half the attacks and taking out all the hentai, blood, guts and violence and…
(Bell rings) Ten seconds…
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!
…Well pardon moi!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: …well, there you have it… FUNimation is EV…
Time up!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: …IL!

And now our second contestant, Yosou, will argue that GT is worse than FUNimation.

Yosou: (gulps) Um. GT, yep. It’s bad. Okay, I’m done.
Shasta Bug #165: (Jumps up and down frantically with a sign with a picture of a moustache on it) MIIKIIKIMI!!
Yosou: (sighs) Okokokok. They gave Vegeta a moustache. And Klilyn. And they gave Goten a really bad hair-cut. And Trunks glasses. Can I go now?
Shasta Bug #165: MIMIKI!!! (holds up sign with a crappy picture of a super-deformed Goku on it) Kimmiki!
Yosou: Yeah. They shrunk Goku. Whaddaboutit?
Shasta Bug #165: (sweatdrops then starts doing the fountain tears thing)
Yosou: Um… HEY! You’re doing this just to black mail me!
Shasta Bug #165: (waaaaaaaaahhhhhh)(hic)
Yosou: STOP IT! …you’re getting my boot wet…
Risa: You’re mean! Look what you did to the poor Shasta Bug! It’s soooooo cute!
Yosou: (sweatdrops)
(Bell rings) One minute left.
Yosou: (sighs) Ok, GT. They did awful stuff to all the characters and turned EVERYONE evil.
Shasta Bug #165: (sniffle?)
Yosou: And they cut out all the characters except Goku, Pan and Trunks for AGES!
Shasta Bug #165: :::::^^:::::
Yosou: And for all the Goten fans out there, they gave him a disgusting girlfriend…
(Bell rings) Thirty seconds left.
Yosou: They contridicted half the stuff in DBZ. And the black star Dragonballs? They never say who made them, and they just go ahead and say the world’s gonna blow up and don’t say *why*. They killed 17, who turned into a *good guy* in Zed…
(Bell rings) Ten seconds left.
Yosou: AndGTisevenworsethanFUNimationsothere! (gasps) (To Shasta Bug) Happy?
Shasta Bug #165: (Does heart-eye thing and goes red at the cheeks)
Yosou: (face vaults and falls over backwards)
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: Well, I knew he had the Tenchi-virus, but that’s just…

And now our third contestant, Risa, will argue that FUNimation is worse than GT.

Risa: (Wavies to everyone) I think FUNimashun’s really mean cos’ I’M not in it!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (psst) Risa, you’re a FANFIC character! Of course you’re not in it! You’re not in the original version either!
Risa: I’m not? I thought I was! Am I in GT?
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: NO!
Risa: Well then GT’s bad too!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (face down on desk and starts thumping it) What did I… do wrong…
Yosou: You reeeeaaally want to know? It would prob’ly take all day!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (Starts sobbing to herself) All I wanted… was to rule all…(hic) the …anime dimeshons…and be… you know? Queen of everything? I *am* a Goddess, you know…(hic)

Risa: Um. FUNimashun’s not got me in it, so it’s bad. Um. Yep!
(Bell rings) Thirty seconds left.
Risa: Hey, why didn’t I get a one minute one too?
Sorry, I was mopping the floors, LTAG’s flooding the place.
Risa: Yup, well, I think I’m done.
Fine, then.

Risa: (To sobbing LTAG) Was that a good speech? Why’ve you made a hole in the desk?
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: Lemme alone… I wanna die!
Risa: ????
Shasta Bug #165: (Rubs against Yosou’s arm)
Yosou: (Trys to get the thing off and looks disgusted) Ek! Gettoff!

And our last contestant, Shasta Bug #165, arguing that GT is worse than FUNimation!

Shasta Bug #165: Kimimikii! (Holds up sign with moustache) Mikim iikikki! (Waves hands and holds up a sign with an evil looking 17 on it) (Jumps up and down) KiiiMMiikikikiKIMmmmi…
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: I think it’s trying to say ‘Goku’…
Shasta Bug #165: (Holds up sign with a picture of Goku-hair on it) Mikkimi! (Holds up sign with GT Goten on it) MIKIMiI!
Yosou: What is this, charades?
Risa: Whassit doing?
(Bell rings) One minute left.

Shasta Bug #165: kiKiMi, (sign with Vegeta’s DBZ hairstyle on it) MikKi KImikimiKI! (rips the top half of the sign off, so only half of Vegeta’s hair is visiable) Kimikkii!
Risa: whassawhasa?
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: ? I don’t get it… how many syllables?
Yosou: I GET IT! They cut Vegeta’s hair?
Shasta Bug #165: (blushes) Mikimi!
(Bell Rings) Thirty seconds left.

Shasta Bug #165: (jumps up and down) Kimikkimikki! Mikkikimi kimkimikkimi! Mikiimmiiikimimiki mikiiikikii mikikimi!
Yosou: What’s it doing?
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: Some great important speech, I’ll bet… (starts sobbing on desk again)
Risa: I didn’t even understand it when it used the signs…

(Bell Rings) Ten seconds.
Shasta Bug #165: (takes deep breath) Kimikimikimkikkikikikikikikikikikikikiiiiii!
Yosou: I think it got stuck…
(Bell rings) Time up!

Shasta Bug #165: mikimi? (looks at Yosou and blushes again)
Yosou: (falls off chair) I’m not *that* bishonen! Leave me alone!
Risa: Meanie!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: I WANNA DIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!
Yosou: Fine, do what you like. I’m going.
Shasta Bug #165: (Starts bawling again)
Risa: Do we get a money now?
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: I DON’T CARE! I WANNA DIE!!!!

Aheheheh… so who’s the winner? I’ll let you guys decide.