Dragonball Angels- The Goten Shrine!
  How to make animated GIFs:

This is in response to the overwhelming amount of email I've had lately asking... did you really make those? And how did you make them?

Well, here's how.

First you need an animated GIF making program. Like Animation Shop or GIFcon.

Then you draw all the frames (images) for your animated gif. All need to be the same size or your GIF won't make sense. Make sure you've got all the pictures lined up properly and in the right order.

If you want to make an animated gif from a game or VCD/MPEG/etc, then you need to run the program or video under windows and pause the game or video at the first frame you want, then press the Print Screen button. Then go into a paint program of some kind, and select paste. The whole screen of your computer will come up. You have to cut or crop to the image you want. Then go get the next frame and do the whole thing again. After you've got all the images you need, it's a matter of cutting and pasteing.