Welcome to DBA-TGS: Dragonball Angels- The Goten Shrine!


Well, I'm sure you never expected to see this; I certainly didn't. After almost a year of downtime, and almost three years with no updates, I've moved the site to my own server.

Yes, this website will most likely never be updated again, but I'm still very much a Dragonball fan. This website was a very big part of my life through highschool and early university, so I'd like to see that it still has a home somewhere on the vast interwebs.

So, what's there left to say? Thank you so much, if you were a regular visitor. Thanks to all the people I met and friends I made through making this website, your support was what kept DBA-TGS going for so many years!

...and lastly, just to show that I'm just as much of a geek as I ever was, I present my Goten and Trunks figure collection, sitting right underneath my computer monitor. ^_< There's still room for more!

28-Mar-05: A few special events to celebrate:

I wonder how many of you have been around long enough to know about the yearly tradition of Carbuncle Week? ^^ Hopefully a fair few; it was first started by Shiro, the webmaster of "Chibi and Kawaii" many years back. Spread the Carbuncle love!

And yes, DBA-TGS has now been around for five years! ^_^ Yup, a long time, and hopefully it'll be around for a few more years to come!

15-Mar-05: Another update?! So soon?!

...Well, there's been a little event that I think probably needs some recognition. Goten appeared (if very briefly) in NekoMajin Z 5! ...and, dude, what is up with that hairstyle? Here's the panel if you haven't yet seen it, and you can download the whole chapter from DaizenshuEX. I really enjoyed this issue; I suppose seeing Goku flying around, and Uub wearing Goku's uniform was really cute (and Goten being there! Yay!).

I've been very busy with uni as per usual, but there's a few small updates:
-My Japanese copy of Budokai 3 came, so I've updated the Game Guide with a review.
-I've also added screenshots of Goten from the Budokai 3 opening.
-2 DBZ fanarts

And a reminder that the messageboard is at http://dragonballangel.proboards30.com/

22-February-05: Long time no update, bet you thought I wouldn't be updating again ^_<. (Please note: I regularly put up fanart at DA, so if you come here for fanart, you'd probably find it's better to just visit my DA account).

Lots has happened since the last update; the long delays were a mixture of lack of motivation, my focussing on drawing rather than working on the site and my now having a job making backgrounds for a cartooning company (Cartoon Kid Inc). Motivation's probably my biggest problem; I'm still very much into Dragonball Z, but lately I've been getting into Naruto and other series as well.

In these past few months I've started making music videos (no DBZ as of yet; I don't have access to enough footage), if you're interested, then have a look at my page at AMV.org: Chaos Penguin Productions. Comments are always appreciated!

I've also opened a print account for my original art at Deviant Art. No fanart allowed I'm afraid, but there are a few pictures you may recognise.

Well, onto the update:

-I put together a new guide to the video games that Goten and Gotenks are featured in.
- New Poll -->
-3 new figurines in the merchandise section.
-1 Goten fanart
-1 Teen Goten fanart
-4 DBZ fanarts
-4 other anime fanarts
-1 original character art

I've changed my email address after the server my last account was hosted on died.

And very importantly the message board has relocated to http://dragonballangel.proboards30.com/
Apologies to Shiro and the rest of the board regualars for taking so long to announce this; I still haven't had time to change the link in the menu bar.

12-August-04: ^^ More fanart related stuff! Yay! (If you like fanart anyway ^^; )

This time there's:
-2 Goten fanarts
-1 DBZ fanart
-5 Non DBZ fanarts

-1 Original Character art
-1 fanmanga page

I've also put together two new tutorials; hope they're use to some of you out there.

In other news, there's a few new Goten gashapon figurines that have been made recently in Japan which are really cool. I'll try to get some pictures up next time I update. ^_^ I'm gonna have to get some of these...



How would you describe Goten in one word?