Pathetic Dub Quotes These are some of the worst 'translations' and edits Funanimation has tried... Quotes: (After Nappa blew up the reporter's
helicopters) "Look! I can see their parachutes!"
(The news report after Nappa
destroyed the city) "...Luckily everyone managed to evacute the area in
(After Nappa cuts off Tenshinhan's
arm) "Just wait till it grows back!"
(When Gohan went all weird
'cos of the moon projection) "...What say we go back and roast some marshmellows?"
(When Radditz cut off Piccolo's
arm) "Hahaha, has anyone seen my arm? It's green, you really can't miss
After leavig a field of crosses
with a very sad look on his face, Gohan says "I hope everyone got away
okay..." Sure they did, kiddo. Apart from being dead and all.
Obvious Edits: You didn't get to see the bit where the Maka... sorry, *special beam cannon* went through Goku and Radditz. Piccolo's arm was orginally dripping green blood after it got cut off. When Gohan was training under Piccolo, he had a lump over one eye. Funanimation flipped over his eye to hide the lump. 0_o. IT LOOKS SO DUMB!!! They missed out the episode that Lunch/Kushami came into because they thought someone who could pull a machine gun out of pokect space was too violent. (ever wondered where Tenshinhan and Chaotsu came into the series? They just 'turned up' at Kami-sama's palace) Every time you see Kamesennin drinking beer, it's turned into frothy water. The characters never say 'dead', it's always 'gone to the next dimension'. They missed out the bit where Bulma pulled out a machine gun and shot Klilyn and Kamesennin for falling alseep when she was fixing the scouter. (They were holding their heads and in slightly uncomfortable positions if you look closely enough.) You never get to see Yamcha's dead body. Tenshinhan's arm is cut off, but some how it manages not to bleed at all.... Gohan does the movements for Masenko (Demon Blast) and keeps on saying Kamehameha. One of the Namekian kids 'escaped'. Even a little kid would have to be really dumb not to figure out that he was DEAD. Zarbon is gay. They editted it out, and I'm not surprised. But they could have at least squidged the accent. When Dodoria fought the three Namekians, he punch one in the stomach. His fist actually went straight though the Namekian's body. They editted it *really* badly. When Gohan attacked Recoome,
Recoome broke Gohan's neck. The whole scene was silent in the original.
If Goku hadn't turned up when he had, Gohan would have died at that point.
The Worst Voices: Piccolo: Croaky, rusty and whassnamy. Pathetic. Vegeta: Croaky, rusty and whiny. Klilyn: Way too nasal. It could be worse, but not by much. Freeza: Sounds like a grandmother. The flying wheelchair really suits him. Zarbon: (Atleast this one's not croaky). They gave him an AUSTRALIAN accent. Think about it. Zarbon has never even been to Earth, let alone Australia. And it's a really bad Australian accent too. (I should know, I AM Australian) (Another thing, they cut out the whole gay thingo, but I don't think it's that hard to figure out, considering the tiara and earings and all) Radee (the fake Namekian guy): Sounded like Marvin the Martian. Jees: HAS AN IRISH ACCENT! It's almost as bad as Zarbons. Garlic Jr: Had the usual croaky voice, and was supposed to have a deep voice. Android 19: Stupid robotic voice. Almost impossible to understand. Android 16: Another stupid robotic voice. Ever noticed that most of the
lesser bad guys they run into sound the same?
No offence to FUNimation... wait a sec... YES Offence to FUNimation, DIE FUNimation, they've got no-one to blame but themselves. Just don't squew my site for it, please? |