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SOooooOO, you want to know more about us for a change?
There must be a lot of overweight anime girls out there for you to be a
'summary of every female anime character'
Anyway, the Anime Goddess can use all of the attacks, magic etc used in anime. Ryeka:
..And she still can't drive.
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess sees herself...
How the
rest of them see her...
Yosou: My turn... Yosou And now we have Yosou, expert in the arts of running away and getting someone else to fight for him. Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: Bwwaaak bwaak bwaak. Here chookies! Has a complex over people calling him a... wait for it... Yosou: Nooooooooo! ...CHICKEN! Yosou: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I AM NOT A CHICKEN!!!!!!! Or anything ranging from a chocobo, cocoa-bean, jigsaw or toaster... Yosou:
I AM NOT A....Cho...cocoa....ji..toaster... (faints)
He can fight. Occasionly. When completely hyper. If you want the full story, here's the JK bio. Yosou is generally indifferent when it comes to anime and DBZ/GT. It's somewhat uncertain why, but it's probably because LTAG's so enthusiastic about it. Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: And he's really fun to tease! Wahahahahaha! Risa Risa is a full Saiyajin who escaped the blowing up of planet Vegeta. (Same old-same old). Hitch is, she's eight years old, and a little bit on the thick side, which seems to be normal for her age. She likes blowing things up, eating and fighting and hates it when people pull her tail off cos' it's'not a very nice thing to do. If you want to know more, read Risa's Story. Risa:
Who's that? Oooohhh that's right! It's me!
Risa is a lot like Goku and Goten in personality and eating habits. She still hasn't got the hang of that whole money thing. (Money? What's a money? Can I eat it?) She get's on well with The Kid, which says it all really. (Cathy'll do her characters (Ryeka and The Kid) later. Until then I'll do my best. The Kid An amazing stupid demi-god, who is supposedly twenty five of years old, but ages really slowly, making him an almost perpetual year one, with the intellect of half a squashed fly. Ryeka Expert in the arts of Being Extremely Annoying. She's practically immortal and enjoys teasing Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess. Her eyes are continously happy (Xellous style) and one starts to wonder why she never bumps inot anything.