Basic Body Shape
After finishing the head you can move on to the body. (Or you can do the plan first, then do the head, it's up to you). Start off with the centre line. Since we're doing another front-on picture, the body has to be symmetrical. The plan is basically just the skeleton, just try to make sure you get the proportions right from the start. You can use whatever you feel comfortable with as a plan, (I use the method shown) just make sure you can get the basic idea from it. A few key points you should probably use to get the proportions right with Goten are the following; Goten is usually 3.5 heads tall, and his legs are 1/3 of his height. ___ After the basic plan, you can go over it and get a firmer idea of the body shape. You shouldn't put in the final details until you go do the final outline as you may need to go back and change previous mistakes. The feet and hands are the most complex parts, so leave their details until last.
Using your plan as a guide, do your final outline. You don't have to do too much detail (we've still got to give him clothes!). Once you've got the hang of the body shape, you can move onto the other details, like hands and so on.
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