Website Tips
This is largely in response
to all the emails I get asking for help in designing their websites. These
are just a few basic tips, for content and layout.
Layout & Design
Use a readible font. eg. Don't write like this.It's
best not use fonts which you find randomly. If the person viewing your
site doesn't have the font, the text will turn out as a row of squares
on their computer.
Use proper English, (or whatever othe language your site is in). Using
slang often makes u jus soun lk an idit.
Don't use a confusing background. Make sure all the text is readible over
it and avoid using animated backgrounds.
Don't have all of your content on one page. Organise your site into sections
so the pages don't take ages to open.
Keep the links to each section in a list, rather than spead out across
the page.
Keep the colours and appearence of each section standard.
Make sure the page is easily navigable. It's a good idea to design your
page so that any section of the page can be reached from any other. Having
a standard menu on each section is a good idea (frames are also an easy
way to organise this, but they can take away from your site's appearence.
Don't use too many images, and use ALT values for all important images.
(Alt values are the descriptions that are displayed before an image loads,
or when the mouse is placed over one. It's simple html coding, ALT="description")
A lot of people don't set their browsers to load images automatically to
save download and time, so it's a good idea to not make loading images
a necessity.
Try to avoid using scrolling text, javascript applications or midis as
they make each page take ages to load on slow connections.
USE ORIGINAL CONTENT! No one's going to spend long at a site that only
has 'power levels' and 'links'. Original content doesn't have to be new
images or movie clips, it can be humour sections, games or just about anything.
Be creative.
This is pretty much the same as the above, but don't use stolen material.
A lot of sites disapprove of others using their content, and with good
Try basing your site around an original idea, like a completely fandom
oriented site or a shrine to an obsquere character. There's hundreds of
general DBZ sites and Vegeta shrines. You'd be more likely to suceed with
something new.
Use a name that attracts attention. I don't mean sUpER picCOLo86873 dbZ
BaCKyARD (apologies if such a site exists...), something funny or strange.
Attracting Visitors
Once you've finished making your site, submit it to search engines.
If you think it has a good chance, submit it at link submissions.
webrings can help if they are suited to your site and have a fair number
of other members.
Joining top lists. I'm not a fan of them, and it's always unimpressive
to see 'DBZ Top 50 No. 3456', but they may help in the long run.
UPDATE REGULARLY! It's okay having plenty of content, but if you only update
once a month, your visitors probably won't bother coming back more than
once a month.
Make sure all your site's sections are working online as well as on your
home computer. Also check updates after you've uploaded them.
you've supplied an email address, check the account regularly. It's also
a good idea to read your guestbook and message board. Sometimes it's necessary
to delete messages if you think they're overly abusive.
If you're
serious about your site, then be prepared to do a little work. Creating
and maintaining a website is very time consuming and requires a lot of
dedication, but if you put in the effort, it can be very rewarding.