Dragonball Angels- The Goten Shrine!
That's Just Not FUNi!

My old Anti-FUNimation section desperately needed an update, and as things have changed so much recently, I decided to re-do this section.

I'll put this simply, FUNi has improved. Not enough, but it has. There's been little hints along the way, like the introduction of the word 'die' and that strange red fluid that comes out of people's bodies when they get hurt. And now even the little eye catches, hints of the original translation and other things that made DBZ, DBZ are seeping through.

But let's face it. It's too late. They've already wrecked the Cell saga, and it looks like the Buu saga will end up the same way.

I think the first problem is the age group they're aiming it at. The original DBZ had a great big "M" rating on the videos, and FUNi's watered it down to PG and G. It's the violence they're worried about, but most of the people I know watch it to unwind. One guy I know claims he's a pacifist because of the violent anime he watched as a youth. 
When you think about it, the violence in DBZ's not that big a problem. There's hitting people, there's hands shoved through chests and copious amounts of the afore mentioned red fluid, but all of the time this is represented as the wrong thing to do. Has Gokuu ever killed a major villain in DBZ? Vegeta? Nope. Freeza? Nope. Cell? Once again, no. The killing's done by the bad guys, and that's how the message gets across.

Another thing that gets to me is what they've done to do humour. I don't know if it the translation, the voice actors or both, but none of the jokes come through as anything. The lack of humour really does make the series look like a fighting frenzy. So what does FUNi do to compensate? They put in their own jokes. I don't think even a four year old could find them funny.

And then the voices. You'd think with DBZ's popularity they could afford to find better voice actors than they did. It's not like they're not out there, they proved it with Android 18. (HFIL, her voice was verging on *good*) So why did Vegeta, Piccolo and Gokuu get stuck with such bad ones? It ruins the way the characters come across. ...And makes the fighting scenes sound like a group of gorillas having an orgy.

There's just nowhere to start on the 'translations'. Most of the time it looks like they're making it up as they go along. They put in so much pointless, badly translated dialoge (which also messes with the plot)... You have to wonder just *why*? It messes with the plot. Little things like Vegeta saying that Bardock was a 'scientist'... then a few years later they release the Bardock special where is pretty damn obvious he's not.

The music and voices together is enough to completely give up and put the TV on mute. Could they have possibly hired a better monkey to lock in the recording studio with a synthesizer? The old music wasn't perfect, but it suited the mood so well you didn't really notice it. The original also had vocal tracks like Demon vs Demon... (hang on, it's probably a good thing FUNi didn't try to do vocal tracks...)

At least the fans seem to be making some sort of an impact on FUNimation. The eye catches and uncensored violence and other little things are making DBZ almost watchable. FUNi's even promised us the original music in Dragonball and Dragonball GT, but they're never going to do that for DBZ. It just shows us that they could have left the music in, that's what gets to me. 
Dragonball Z could have been done so much better.

Well, nothing left to say but... ALL HAIL VIZ COMICS!