Dragonball Angels- The Goten Shrine!
  The Debating hall... (kind of)

Welcome to the debating hall... we also accept submissions, so if you have anything to send in, please do. You can even make it (shudders) *serious* if you want to, but I don't recommend it... And believe me.... THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE INSANE!! No bloodshed about what I put in here, it's not *meant* to be taken seriously. Yeah, and you can read about my characters in the The Crew section.

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DEBATE 1: Which is worse? FUNimation or DBGT?
Starring Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess, Yosou, Risa and Shasta Bug #165.

DEBATE 2: Is Toriyama God?
Starring Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess, Yosou, Risa, Kei, Shasta Bug #165, a Cabbit and Kyuuchi.